Tuesday, July 9, 2013

There are a lot of GPT (Get Paid To...) Sites out there. There are new ones constantly launching with great deals, and other ones which seem "too good to be true." I won't lie - the turnover on some of these sites can be a matter of months. The big earner you sign up for and figure out can disappear tomorrow. That's why it's worth following a forum to keep up-to-date with whichever of these short term earners are currently in favor. Not only will this help you consult with other users, but you can keep on top of things. I'll provide reviews of some of the ones I've found that are more likely to stick around than their competitors, but the simple reality is a lot of these sites go under sooner or later.

If you're a Redditor, then I definitely suggest checking our /r/beermoney. For those of you not familiar with Reddit, it's a vast discussion site with subject-specific "subreddits." There is one which is specifically dedicated to the latest news about GPT sites. I suggest building a base of 2-4 sites you're willing to visit daily, to start building your immediate income flow.


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